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Unfair Dismissal | Comprehensive Practical Law Guide for the Public

Discover everything you need to know about unfair dismissal. We offer a free, comprehensive guide covering all aspects of unfair dismissal in the UK. You won’t find this information on traditional solicitor websites, ACAS, or Citizens Advice Bureau ELA is dedicated to sharing expert advice with the public to educate raise awareness.


ELA equips you with the knowledge necessary to handle unfair dismissal, allowing you to build, document, and substantiate your case.

Weekly publication of frequently asked questions and key aspects of unfair dismissal.

Comprehensive legal research grounded in the latest case law.

Relevant legal cases available exclusively to our members.

Master the Tribunal Time Limits for unfair dismissal 

Reason for unfair dismissal ''misconduct'' being the most common

The issue of unfair dismissal under the Employment Rights Act 1996 (ERA 1996), specifically focusing on the importance of the reasonableness test under Section 98(4) which will determine the fairness of a dismissal. Even if the employer has established a potentially fair reason for dismissal [ most commonly misconduct under Section 98(2)(b)]  The test will examine the relevant legal standards and provide guidance on how tribunals assess the reasonableness of an employer's actions in dismissal cases.

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